发布人:gsq 发布时间: 3-12 浏览次数:123 合作方式: 合资合作、合伙、购买、代销 联系人: Johnathon Smith, corporate Communications 公司名称: Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd 联系方式: 400-455 Granville STreet Vancouver B.C. V6C 1T1 Canada 电话: 604-6823701 传真: 604-682-3600 Email: ir@bralorne.com 网址: www.bralorne.com Bralorne is currently in Phase III of a three phase program aimed at production for the beginning of 2009. Bralorne has recently discovered a new high grade zone called the BC Zone. To access the BK sturcture a cross cut from the Alhambra drift was started on January 7, 2008 and intersected the BK structure at a distance of 310 feet on February 9, 2008. Following a further 40 foot advance of the crosscut, to faciliate mining, drifting on the vein structure in a mine grid easterly direction will commence and is expected to continue fo a distance of at least 1500 feet. (NI-43-101 compliant) Measured Resource 14,000 tonnes of ore @ 12g Au/tone Infered Resource 125,306 tones of ore @14.09 Au/Tone Currently expanding our resources