[更新时间:2010-12-29 09:22:45]
厂商名称 Arta Robot Sazan Co.
国家/地区 伊朗
需求商品名称 水表
需求商品英文名称 Water meters
需求意向 寻求生产制造商
需求服务内容 伊朗Arta Robot Sazan Co.寻找水表供应商
电话 +98 173 575 3395/+98 911 171 1319
联系人 Abbasi
传真 +98 173 575 3396
地址 Agh Ghalla Industrial town , Gorgan , Iran
邮编 49311-71148
电子邮件 arsabbasi@gmail.com
1- Amount of consumption of each consumer could be read in a central
city office.
2- The central office must be able to shut or open the consumer’s water valve.
3- Some of the water meters should have the extension facilities for
example: one inlet and three independent outlet so that each outlet‘s
consumption could be read.
It would be appreciated if you could send me the Price of the water
meters and time and amount of delivery.